LMPC Registration

Do you import pre-packaged goods for sale and distribution?

Importer License Certificate Approval


What Is It And Why Do you Need It?

Do you import pre-packaged goods for sale and distribution?

If you do, you need to know that you cannot import these goods into India without a Legal Metrology Registration Certificate, commonly referred to as a Legal Metrology Packaged Commodity (LMPC) certificate.

An LMPC certificate is required to comply with the Legal Metrology Act, 2009, and the Legal Metrology (Packaged Commodity) Regulations, 2011.

The law governs the sale of goods; sold or distributed by weight, quantity or number. By defining strict laws and regulations, including pre-packaged goods, the Act aims to promote fair trade practices and protect consumer rights.

What are the pre-packaged items?

The law defines a pre-packaged goods as "goods that, unless the consumer is present, are kept in a bag of any kind, whether sealed or not, so that the product contained in it has a pre-determined value".

Other examples of pre-packaged goods include:

  1. Baby food.
  2. Petrol.
  3. Food products.
  4. Paint.
  5. Cement in bags.
  6. Ropes.
  7. Cords.
  8. Chemicals.
  9. Wool and more.

Importance of formal metrology

Metrology is a measurement study. Also formal metrology deals with units and methods of weight and measurement in relation to mandatory legal and operational requirements. That is the official definition of official metrology.

What exactly is its relationship to the use of pre-packaged goods?

Here is a simple explanation.

When we go to the market, we buy goods that are sold loose or pre-packaged. Loose goods (fruits, vegetables, rice, flour) are weighed in front of us. We can personally determine their quality.

We also know who the seller is. But when we buy pre-packaged goods, we cannot be sure of product weight, youth, or safety. And we do not know the maker.

The Legal Metrology Act equips the customer with the required information (weight, amount, amount, expiration date, etc.) to make a clear purchase decision.


  1. Baby food.
  2. Importer Exporter Code (IEC)
  3. GST registration certificate
  4. Passport size photograph of applicant
  5. Proof of identity and address
  6. Sample of declaration (label) to be placed on the commodity
  7. Aadhaar number of applicant/authorized signatory
  8. Registered partnership deed in case of partnership firm/memorandum of articles in case of company

Depending on the state where the registration is sought, additional documents might be required, such as:

  • Proof of date of birth of applicant
  • Documentary proof of ownership/lease of premises
  • Location map of premises
  • No objection certificate from Pollution Control Board or any such competent authority

Merchant obligations

To obtain an LMPC certificate, importers must ensure that their pre-packaged goods contain an announcement containing the following information:

  1. Name and import address
  2. The name and address of the manufacturer
  3. The common or common name of the goods contained in the package
  4. Country of origin
  5. Total amount according to the standard unit of weight, scale, or number
  6. Month and year of import
  7. Month and year of production
  8. Retail Price (MRP)
  9. Property size, if applicable
  10. Name, address, and telephone number (and email address, if available) of the person / office to be contacted in case of customer complaints.
  11. Announcement varies from product to product. It should be printed in Hindi or English. Also, there are rules that specify how the advertisement should be displayed on the package or attached, as well as detailed instructions for each point of information.

What is official metrology?

The Department of Consumer Affairs defines official metrology as “that part of metrology that deals with units of weight and measurement, measurement methods and measurements and measuring instruments and instruments, in relation to mandatory technical and legal requirements aimed at ensuring public assurance. in terms of safety and accuracy of weights and measures ”.

Is the LMPC certificate liable for pre-packaged import?

Yes, the LMPC certificate is mandatory for those who import pre-packaged goods for sale and distribution. However, there are a few exceptions.

Who is authorized to issue the LMPC certificate?

The Director of Legal Metrology in the Province and the Director of Legal Metrology at the institution are both authorized to issue LMPC certificates.

How much does an LMPC certificate cost?

The requester must pay the INR500 fee.

How long does it take to get an LMPC certificate?

For most accounts, it takes anywhere up to 20 days from the date of receipt of the request.